🕹ī¸ Let's Make Games with Rust đŸĻ€


Elijah Voigt | pop on IRC and GitHub | @pastywhitenoise on Twitter.

Python developer working on Enterprise Cloud Management software. We're hiring. https://cloudbolt.io

Rust hobbiest. Games tinkerer.

Lucy Wyman++

Making Games: Entities, Components, Systems ⚙ī¸

Game Loop:

  1. Read Input.
  2. Change State.
  3. Draw State.
  4. Repeat ~60/sec.


IDs tied to a set of Components.

Entity ID Position Hat Carnivore Herbivore
019 (1, 1, 1) "fedora"    
021 (15, 17 1) "baseball" carnivore  
021 (12, 1, 1)      
043 (15, 21 1)     herbivore
044 (15, 19 1) "beanie"   herbivore
045 (15, 22 1)     herbivore


Data used to describe traits of an entity.



Procedures acting on a subset of entities with some components

# Iterate over all carnivores
# Only use the Carnivore and Position components.
for (carnivore, carn_pos) in Entities.query(Carnivores, Positions):

    # Iterate over all herbivores
    # Only use the Herbivore and Position components.
    for (herbivore, herb_pos) in Entities.query(Herbivores, Positions):

        # Do some interaction between the entity components
        if carn_pos is_near herb_pos:

Tools of the Trade: C and C++ ⚒ī¸

Pros Cons

Legacy design quirks

Not writing object oriented!


Rusty Games: Hello Amethyst 💎



Step 0: Join the Cargo Cult

  1. Install rustup
  2. Start a blank Rust project:
$ cargo new seagl-game
$ cd seagl-game
  1. Add Amethyst to Cargo.toml:
version = "0.15.1"
features = ["vulkan"] # "metal" on MacOS
  1. Build the project:
$ cargo build
Compiling stuff v1.2.3

Step 1: Draw a Window 📐

use amethyst::{
    assets::{AssetStorage, Loader},
        transform::{Transform, TransformBundle},
        Component, DenseVecStorage, Entities, Join, Read, ReadStorage, System, SystemData,
    input::{InputBundle, InputHandler, StringBindings},
        plugins::{RenderFlat2D, RenderToWindow},
        Camera, ImageFormat, RenderingBundle, SpriteRender, SpriteSheet, SpriteSheetFormat,

Create the game

fn main() -> amethyst::Result<()> {

    let app_root = application_root_dir()?;
    let assets_dir = app_root.join("assets");
    let display_config_path = app_root.join("config").join("display.ron");

    let renderer = RenderingBundle::<DefaultBackend>::new()
                .with_clear([1.00, 0.33, 0.00, 1.0]),

    let game_data = GameDataBuilder::default()

    let mut game = Application::new(assets_dir, SeaglState, game_data)?;



Add a State

$ cargo run
error[E0425]: cannot find value `SeaglState` in this scope
  --> src/main.rs:17:49
30 |     let mut game = Application::new(assets_dir, SeaglState, game_data)?;
   |                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

Add the Seagl game state:

struct SeaglState;
impl SimpleState for SeaglState { }

Add a Display Config

Compiling seagl-talk v0.1.0 (/home/pop/seagl-talk)
 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 24.81s
  Running `target/debug/seagl-talk`
  Error: { ... "No such file or directory" ... }

Add the display config:

// config/display.ron
    title: "SeaGL!",
    dimensions: Some((500, 500)),

And here's what we got

A very orange window...

Step 2: Draw a SeaGL 🕊ī¸

pub struct Seagl;

impl Component for Seagl {
    type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;

Create the Seagl entity

impl SimpleState for SeaglState {
    fn on_start(&mut self, data: StateData<GameData>) {
        let mut transform = Transform::default();
        transform.set_translation_xyz(50.0, 50.0, 0.0);
        let seagl = Seagl::default();

Give the Seagl a Sprite

let sprite_sheet_handle = {
    let loader = data.world.read_resource::<Loader>();
    let texture_storage = data.world.read_resource::<AssetStorage<Texture>>();
    let texture_handle = loader.load(

    let sprite_sheet_store = data.world.read_resource::<AssetStorage<SpriteSheet>>();

Give the Seagl a Sprite

++ main.rs
@@ impl SimpleState for SeaglState
@@ fn on_start(...)
  let mut transform = Transform::default();
  transform.set_translation_xyz(50.0, 50.0, 0.0);
+ let sprite = SpriteRender::new(sprite_sheet_handle.clone(), 0);
  let seagl = Seagl::default();
+     .with(sprite)

Create the Spritesheet

Seagl and Burger. 32x16. Pixel on LCD.

Create the Spritesheet

// assets/texture/spritesheet.ron
    texture_width: 32,
    texture_height: 16,
    sprites: [
        ( // Seagl
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            width: 16,
            height: 16,
        ( // Burger
            x: 16,
            y: 0,
            width: 10,
            height: 8,

Create a Camera

let mut transform = Transform::default();
transform.set_translation_xyz(50.0, 50.0, 1.0);
    .with(Camera::standard_2d(100.0, 100.0))


That's a nice looking Seagl there...

Step 3: Move Around 🏇

for every seagl that can move:
    If the user input is "move horizontal":
        Move the seagl horizontally
    If the user input is "move vertical":
        Move the seagl vertically

Create the Move System

pub struct MoveSystem;

impl<'s> System<'s> for MoveSystem {
    type SystemData = (
        WriteStorage<'s, Transform>,
        ReadStorage<'s, Seagl>,
        Read<'s, Time>,
        Read<'s, InputHandler<StringBindings>>,

    fn run(&mut self,(mut transforms, seagls, time, input): Self::SystemData) {

Implement the Move System

fn run(&mut self, (mut transforms, seagls, time, input): Self::SystemData) {
    let speed: f32 = 50.0;
    for (_seagl, transform) in (&seagls, &mut transforms).join() {
        if let Some(horizontal) = input.axis_value("horizontal") {
                horizontal * time.delta_seconds() * speed  as f32
        if let Some(vertical) = input.axis_value("vertical") {
                vertical * time.delta_seconds() * speed as f32

Input Mapping Config

// config/bindings.ron
    axes: {
        "horizontal": Emulated(pos: Key(Right), neg: Key(Left)),
        "vertical": Emulated(pos: Key(Up), neg: Key(Down)),
    actions: {},

Add our system to the runtime

+++ main.rs
@@ fn main() -> amethyst::Result<()>

+    let bindings_path = app_root.join("config").join("bindings.ron");
+    let inputs = InputBundle::<StringBindings>::new().with_bindings_from_file(bindings_path)?;
     let game_data = GameDataBuilder::default()
+        .with_bundle(inputs)?
+        .with(MoveSystem, "move_system", &["input_system"]);

     let mut game = Application::new(assets_dir, SeaglState, game_data)?;

It moves!

It moves!

Look where you're going Seagl!

diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
@@ impl<'s> System<'s> for MoveSystem
@@ run(...)
  if let Some(vertical) = input.axis_value("vertical") {
        horizontal * time.delta_seconds() * speed  as f32
+     if horizontal > 0.0 {
+       transform.set_rotation_y_axis(std::f32::consts::PI);
+     }
+     if horizontal < 0.0 {
+       transform.set_rotation_y_axis(0.0);
+     }
  if let Some(vertical) = input.axis_value("vertical") {

It looks!

It looks!

Step 4: Eat some food! 🍔

pub struct Food;

impl Component for Food {
    type Storage = DenseVecStorage<Self>;

Spawn a burger

let burger_sprite = SpriteRender::new(sprite_sheet_handle.clone(), 1);
let mut transform = Transform::default();
transform.set_translation_xyz(75.0, 75.0, -1.0);

Think about eating burgers

For each seagl with a location:
    For each Food with a location:
        If the Seagl overlaps with the Food:
            Destory that food

Add the Eat System

pub struct EatSystem;

impl<'s> System<'s> for EatSystem {
    type SystemData = (
        ReadStorage<'s, Transform>,
        ReadStorage<'s, Seagl>,
        ReadStorage<'s, Food>,

    fn run(&mut self, (transforms, seagls, foods, entities): Self::SystemData) {


Implement the Eat System

fn run(&mut self, (transforms, seagls, foods, entities): Self::SystemData) {
    for (_seagl, seagl_pos) in (&seagls, &transforms).join() {
        for (_food, food_pos, food) in (&foods, &transforms, &entities).join() {
            if intersect(seagl_pos, food_pos) {

Add the Eat System to the runtime

+++ main.rs
@@ fn main() -> amethyst::Result<()>
     let game_data = GameDataBuilder::default()
         .with(MoveSystem, "move_system", &["input_system"])
+        .with(EatSystem, "eat_system", &["move_system"]);

It eats!

It eats!